Emergent Issues in Public Health


Emergent Issues in Public Health


Program Overview

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the particular impacts for cancer patients and survivors, the CARE Fund launched the COVID-19 Response grant opportunity to support research that focused on the impact of COVID-19 on outcomes, research, risks, or well-being for cancer patients. While the impact and presence of COVID-19 remains, other important public health issues continue to be present, and new ones may emerge.  

Formerly the COVID-19 Response Grant, this revised grant opportunity will support research that aims to address an emergent issue regarding cancer and public health, which may include the next phase of COVID-19 and cancer research, or other cancer research related to an emergent public health issue. Emergent issues related to cancer may arise from the categories listed below or may arise from other categories identified by the applicant.

  • Impact of climate change on cancer risk

  • Environmental exposures and cancer risk

  • Social determinants of health and cancer risk and survivorship

  • Comorbidities and the impact on cancer risk and survivorship

  • Disparities in clinical trial participation and related impacts on cancer disparities

  • Disparities in access to cancer screening and related impacts on cancer disparities

  • Physical and mental health among cancer survivors

  • Pediatric cancer survivorship

  • Pain management among cancer survivors

  • Physical and mental health among informal caregivers in cancer care

  • Financial hardship or toxicity impact among cancer patients, survivors, or informal caregivers in cancer care

  • Public health workforce capacity to identify or address emergent public health issues related to cancer

The above list is not exhaustive, and the CARE Fund has not pre-determined what is considered an emergent public health issue, rather the applicant is asked to identify and provide evidence of the emergent public health issue to be studied.


Grant Award and Eligibility


  • Organizations in Washington State including companies, universities, research institutions, local health jurisdictions, tribal governments, tribal entities, and Urban Indian Organizations are eligible to apply for a COVID-19 Response Grant. Applicants must have a substantial presence in Washington, as determined by the CARE Board based on factors including, but not limited to the following: number and type of staff in Washington; state of incorporation; location of headquarters, research, or manufacturing facilities in Washington; or any combination of factors.

  • Organizations may submit up to a maximum of three applications per funding cycle.  

  • Research project must aim to explore or address a cancer-related emergent public health issue.

  • A hypothesis must be proposed and explored by specific research aims. Proposals that solely aim to collect data to document a public health issue or only provide or expand services are NOT eligible.

Grant Award and Use of Funds

  • Up to two-year grant period

  • Up to $250,000 per grant award (up to $125,000 per year); this amount included indirect costs.

  • Grants are awarded to organizations in Washington State

  • Projects with collaborations outside of Washington State are allowed; however, the principal investigator and the primary research activities must be located in Washington State and the majority of the CARE Fund grant award and non-state match funds must be allocated to recipients conducting research in Washington State

Non-State Match Funding (Required, potential waiver upon request)

Applicants must have a minimum one-to-one (1:1) match of non-state of Washington funds to the requested grant funds (or a waiver of the non-state match requirement approved by the CARE Fund). Industry sponsorships, foundation funds, federal sponsorships, etc. could qualify as a non-state match. In-kind support from a non-Washington source could qualify as a match if it is directly attributable to the proposed research project. The CARE Fund would require documentation of the committed in-kind support, including how the amount was determined and how it relates to the proposed research.

  • If the non-state match is not secured at the time of the application submission, a plan to secure the match to the requested funds must be submitted in the application. The matching funds must be secured at the time of award agreement execution.

  • Applicant organizations that are unable or anticipate that they will not be able to meet the non-state match requirement may request a full or partial waiver during the LOI phase of the application process. The non-state match waiver request must include the match amount to be waived and justification. If the applicant is unable to meet the 1:1 match requirement, a waiver for the portion of the non-state match to meet requirement must be approved by the CARE Fund to submit a full application and be eligible for an award.



Call for Proposals Announced: May 5, 2022

Letter of Intent Deadline: June 2, 2022, 5:00 p.m. (PT)

Full Application Deadline: July 12, 2022, 5:00 p.m. (PT)

Award Decision: November 2, 2022



The RFP and application materials for the grant opportunity are available below.

Organizations that intend to submit a full application must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) for each research project through the CARE Fund online grants system. The Emergent Issues in Public Health LOI can be accessed by clicking on the Apply button below. The LOI must be submitted by Thursday, June 2, 2022, 5:00 p.m. (PT). LOIs will be reviewed on a rolling basis as they are received, and only approved applicants will be invited to submit a full application.

After the LOI is reviewed by the CARE Fund staff and/or contractors, selected applicants will be invited to submit a full application online via the CARE Fund grants system. The full Emergent Issues in Public Health grant application will be available to applicants after they are invited. Full applications must be submitted by Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 5:00 p.m. (PT)

It is anticipated that award decisions for this cycle will be made in November 2022. Applicants will be notified via email.

For questions regarding the Emergent Issues in Public Health Program or application process, please contact Peter Choi at peter@wacarefund.org.